Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Multiplicity photo by: Dulce Diaz

When taking a multiplicity shot you have to keep the camera steady and in the same place. To help you keep the camera in place a tripod is recommended. You should also make sure you do not change the ISO. If you do change the ISO your pictures will have a different exposure. Which will make it harder to edit when you are combining the pictures together. Because one picture may be lighter, and the other may be darker. To keep your photo from having a distracting background you should make sure to shot the picture when no one is walking by in the back. Another thing to remember is to have your model standing in different places, so the pictures do not overlap. If the model stands in the same place but changes poses the picture will still overlap. When the picture over laps it will look like the model has lots of hands or legs.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

About me

My name is Dulce Diaz I am currently an Orange Glen High School student. I enjoy hiking and going to the beach.  I admire activities that bring out my inner creativity. I have always had a passion for photography. I believe each photograph has a purpose and a story behind it. Photography is about making visible what without you, might perhaps never have been seen. -Robert Bresson.                            

Motivation is what gets you started, Habit is what keeps you going
By Dulce Diaz

When I took this photo I had to hold the camera very steady. I also had to find a good position where I could capture the kitten laying down in the angle I wanted. I found this type of picture to be harder than it seamed. So I gave the kitten a shoelace as a distraction to keep it from moving, making it easier for me to focus the lens on the kitten. I also added flash because the lighting indoors was very poor, and I wanted to make the kitten pop out with the darker background, while instructing your eyes directly to its face. 
By Dulce Diaz